Friadent MP Abutment D 3.8

MP Abutment Insert and MP Insert Screw

  • For simple and accurate fabrication of bridges with cast-to, or more economically, with castable waxing sleeve
  • For fixing overdentures by bar construction
  • Inserted abutments remain in the mouth, the laboratory operates on analogs
  • Simplified supragingival impressions and scaffold try-in Navn/Købsinformation
32462841 Friadent MP Abutment D 3.8 / GH 1
32462842 Friadent MP Abutment D 3.8 / GH 2
32462843 Friadent MP Abutment D 3.8 / GH 3
32462845 Friadent MP Abutment D 3.8 / GH 5
32462849 Friadent MP Abutment D 3.8 / GH 9